Friday, July 7, 2017

Swinging into the MCU with Spider-Man: homecoming (Backstory, Not a review)

Hi there, I am Ian. I'm seventeen and not much of a comic book buff. If you asked me DC or marvel I would reply 'DC!' in a heart beat. but recently I have come to terms with something; Marvel's movies look more appealing.

I have little knowledge of either franchise, I have never read any of the comic books (Yes I am one of those types of  super hero fans), and tend to fake knowledge of them both based on family osmosis from my brother. I watched justice league when I was younger and Tobey Mcguire's spider-man was my childhood, but I didn't know MOST if not ALL of the other marvel characters. Recently osmosis from my brother hasn't worked because he seems to think that Andrew Garfield made a better spider-man than McGuire...... Doesn't matter cause Tom Holland blows them both out of the water.

Spider-Man is my FAVORITE superhero, so when I found out a new movie for him was coming out, I was less than thrilled. This is due to the fact that I HATED the amazing spider-man movies. So when the news came out that there was going to be a new spider-man reboot, I rolled my eyes and put it to the back of my mind. I thought about it again recently and out of curiosity looked up a trailer. I was shocked that it would be coming out in less than a week, (I had previously thought it came out before wonder woman) and that the trailer looked great. So I watched the next trailer, and the next one, and then a few clips, within a few hours I was completely excited about the movie and started watching interviews with the cast; which is something I am not used to doing.

It was in one of these interviews that I heard Spider-Man made an appearance in Captain America: Civil War; a movie I didn't know existed. After attempting to find the Spider-Man scenes on youtube I gave up and just watched the movie. I went into this movie without first watching incredible hulk, Iron Man 3, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age of Ultron, practically snoozing through Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World, and not knowing that Ant-Man or any of the TV shows even existed. All of the other movies I have seen once or twice due to my family.

I absolutely loved Tom Holland's performance and was even more excited to see homecoming... only problem is I shut the movie off after Spider-Man was told to go home, I had no investment in the rest of the movie, heck I didn't even realize Wanda was supposed to be from another country or that vision was Jarvis! I ended up missing the Spidey scene at the end of the credits until the hour before I left to see the new movie.

So I went to the preview showing of the movie on July 6th and thoroughly enjoyed everything. BUT then I found out spider-man is returning in the 3rd avengers and thought "great now I have to get caught up on the universe." So I might as well write about my first time intentionally swinging into the MCU because of my favorite superhero; Spider-Man.


P.S. Spider-Man: Homecoming is now my favorite movie!