Sunday, November 5, 2017

Iron Man review from a non-marveller

First thing before the review; I call marvel fans Marvellers. It just makes a lot more sense than marvel zombies. Although it also is the name of the space craft Garia came to earth with in the Toei Spider-Man series.


Iron Man being the premiere movie in the MCU reboot series of movies means it was the first one I saw. Back in 2008 my family was renting an appartment. One day on the way to the appartment in the bigger city we, my dad, my brothers and I,  stopped at the budget theater. Apparently I was the only one who didn't know we were going to a movie afterward. I was 8 years old back then and didn't think much of movies that were coming out except for the trailers I couldn't avoid (like BOLT). I also had no previous encounter with Iron Man as a character. I only saw the movie 1 other time; right after it came out on DVD.

fun fact: On this trip I learned what a blindside was in a car's mirror, because some guy almost rammed us side ways trying to switch lanes...... that guy couldn't see a HUGE van because of a tiny blind spot.

What 8yo me thought of it: I loved it! There was a reason I was the only girl to accompany them; I enjoyed action as much as any of them. I absolutely adored robert downy jr's goatee and overall he reminded me of my dad.... who in retrospect looked nothing like him. I remember only my favorite scenes and my least favorite scenes from that time. I enjoyed him trying to perfect the suit and Pepper's clever way of getting away from Obadiah after the office scene. I wasn't a fan of the scene in the military car when all of the funny people died and however heroic, I hated when Yansin (I had to look up his name :/) died. I didn't care for the romance between Pepper and Tony but I tolerated it, I can't remember most of those scenes anyway... I just know they happened. Overall to 8yo me it was a 8-9 out of 10.

Be back after I watch it

3-ish hours later

So I got a little side tracked but I finished the movie and I still love it!

Casting for Tony was definitely perfect! Pepper still isn't my favorite but I think Gwenyth Paltrow was a good choice for her.... not saying much since I find them both to be very lackluster. JEFF BRIDGES YES!!! Have any of you seen Tron? (SAO abridged reference) I loved watching Tron when I was younger, Jeff Bridges was the only actor I could place at the time and he did his job splendidly. Unfortunately this time around I already knew he was the bad guy.

It was enjoyable.... a bit cliche. To be honest I predicted the ending when I was eight, it had some nice comedy though. My favorite scene is still his experiment phase and my least favorite scene is still the scene where Pepper doesn't die... I mean Yansin's death!

Rating based on how well it was made: 7/10

Rating for how much I enjoyed it: 8.5/10

I'm a simple person if I get swept up by magic - or in my case super heroes in weird costumes - no matter how much I look at it logically it wont impede my view of the movie/show.


P.S. due to getting really busy half of this review was written 4 months AFTER I started writing it.